Last week we had a visiting professor lecture on Business Management and Transitioning From Veterinary Student To Veterinarian. Alot is involved, especially if one plans on owning a veterinary clinic. Dr. Wilson a veterinarian and lawyer decided after a lengthy and respectable career to venture into the world of consulting. This professor opened my eyes to the entrepenurial possibilities of being a business owner. I'm excited now and can't wait to get started on the wonderful world of veterinary small business.
Before I would daydream about what my lap pool would look like in my custom home, perhaps a reflection of our yearning to settle down and start some roots. Now instead, I realize that taking care of the customer, patient, business and it's employees will provide all that we need and more, so a lap pool at the clinic first! Don't get me wrong I'm not hung up on materialism and making money, but I do believe in paying off such an enormous loan. After some additional daydreaming I was lead to my final vision (albeit ambitious): a veterinary clinic/bicycle shop/coffee shop!
window repair Ross student style
On a different note last night I should've worn a diaper because I have never in my life experienced mother nature in her full electric glory. The thunder I tell you was like having a hundred bull whips at your ear and a million camera flashes in your face! Windows reverberated, thunder roared, rumbled, and cracked ala shock and awe. I'll admit it I even hesitated to look at it creeping ever so carefully towards the window! In the end I only got one hour of sleep followed by an anatomy exam :( For those of you that are Meatrix crazy check out part II at:
taking easy with the Bory's and Jeanine at Turtle beach