Thursday, August 03, 2006


Hurricane Chris missed us by about 60 miles travelling towards the US Virgin Islands and PR. Normally we experience light breezes throughout the day and night. However, when Chris barrelled offshore from us we noticed that it was errie silent throughout. No breeze or goats running around or locals playing reggae off in the distance. Sharie's and Nicoles flight got delayed so they had to sit tight until the next day. They arrived safely in Oakdale today where I will join them after I finish final exams.

Today AAEP club had a joint tap session of which I attended. It was cool to apply some of the ideas I've been learning about the equine thoracic limb. After a few trys I got some synovial fluid from various joints. The donkey's we learned on were unfortunately termimal surgeries for the 7th semester students. Like vultures we were waiting for there surgeries to end so we can squeeze out as much education out of the donkeys as we could. Afterall it would be a waste not take advantage of such an opportunity. Well I better stop procrastinating and get some more studying in tonight. Can't wait to see you all. Later