Thursday, August 23, 2007


It looks like I passed 5th semester. We had a bit of confusion with hurricane Dean coming by during finals week. So the brass here at Ross decided it was best to postpone our anesthesiology exam until we return from our 2 week break. Anesthesiology is not a huge worry but I will still take a few days out of my break to study for it. So technically I'm not in 6th semester yet. However, after squeezzzing by the Small Animal Medicine (SAM) final exam I feel like I have. Somehow I don't feel like I deserve to have passed SAM. Going into this final I had a nice cush of 85% for both of Dr. Kelly's test. Dr. Grave's a former Rossie covered the last 1/3 of the semester. I tell you she covered the same volume of material that Kelly covered in half the time....Mach 3!!! I'd heard of students going into the SAM final with 85% and failing the final which is weighted at 50% of the final grade. I ended up dropping a whole letter grade but hey I made it.

Assuming anesthesiology is going to go smooth I can't believe I will be doing surgeries in 6th!! I just wished I had more hands on surgical experience, but oh well. My sister put together a slew of surgical supplies and instruments together for me. Chump is doing great in MX and is missed a great deal. Grammy is over visiting and so far is enjoying spending time with the lil' ones. Next week Grandpa will join us here on the rock. The day after Grandpa arrives I will be going to Lexington, KY. There we will have an all expenses paid 4 day trip courtesy of AAEP called OEPS (Opportunities in Equine Practice Seminar) .

Hurricane Dean feathered us for a few was nice to have a change in weather. I compared it to SoCal's Santa Ana gusts of 60 mph winds, but the cool climate was great. Now that all 600 + students are off island the traffice seems so light. It's definitely different staying here during the break. It's more relaxing to stay rather than travelling especially with two little ones. Well I suppose we will go snorkeling, surfing, or boogie boarding today, but it's not always fun n' games like this. I'm just glad i'm semi-6th!