Wednesday, August 16, 2006


So that's what it feels like to be famous. This last week Ross unveiled its new student catalog, school video, and alumni catalog. Check it out here:

All my classmates are giving me grief about popping up in every single catalog and movie. As a matter of fact the Dean even emailed me today:

re: "star"


Every time I get a new video, catalogue, promotional brochure you seem to be in it or on the cover. Now I received our new CE Alumni brochure and you are on the cover all alone. Must be that California background.... I will save a copy to give you for your scrap book.

Have a good break.


So now I'm the Ross poster boy I guess. . . royalties?? Waive tuition?? O.K. I'm pushing it, I just want to pass my classes. I was asking my homie Chris how it is that some of our classmates can finish a 125 question, 19 page final bacteriology exam in 45 minutes!!! I can't even fill out the scan-tron bubbles that fast let alone read, and reason out the questions!! I don't know about too many things in life, but I'm certain I know a good deal about a) respiratory therapy b) cycling and c) well, maybe that's it. So going into my Physiology final today I felt good about the material because it was all about minute volumes, O2 dissociation curves, and lung volumes! So I took the test and was surprised to find out only 40 minutes had gone by! Wow, that's what it feels like!

our new Rossmobile

Well, I better get to crackin' cuz I have one more final tomorrow. Then it's all about the waiting game (worst part) for grades to post on Saturday by 12:30 pm. Until then my mind will be going crazy thinking of various nightmarish scenarios.


The Star (atleast for today)

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Today I almost shifted gears

Today I almost shifted gears,
Gripped the hoods, out of the saddle. . . perfect timing
Smooth rhythm, clenched jaw, focused look
Thinking of the pain ahead
Size up the climb and its gradual curves, don’t look back

Downhill, feeling the rush of the cool wind driving the beads of sweat away
Feeling in harmony with the bike, the geometry gone, the intuition to stay
Nothing but feel now, hang on and don’t hesitate

The next climb comes fast, the legs anticipate
But today must be a good day, there is no chain
From cloud to cloud into the sky without the pain
Climbing faster than the legends towards the heavens and away

No need to shift, not in the sky
The habit strong, checking the cog
Let go the hoods, back on the bar

Today I almost shifted gears

Sergio Iniguez

Dedicated to Alex Gonzales
1976- August 8th, 2005

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Hurricane Chris missed us by about 60 miles travelling towards the US Virgin Islands and PR. Normally we experience light breezes throughout the day and night. However, when Chris barrelled offshore from us we noticed that it was errie silent throughout. No breeze or goats running around or locals playing reggae off in the distance. Sharie's and Nicoles flight got delayed so they had to sit tight until the next day. They arrived safely in Oakdale today where I will join them after I finish final exams.

Today AAEP club had a joint tap session of which I attended. It was cool to apply some of the ideas I've been learning about the equine thoracic limb. After a few trys I got some synovial fluid from various joints. The donkey's we learned on were unfortunately termimal surgeries for the 7th semester students. Like vultures we were waiting for there surgeries to end so we can squeeze out as much education out of the donkeys as we could. Afterall it would be a waste not take advantage of such an opportunity. Well I better stop procrastinating and get some more studying in tonight. Can't wait to see you all. Later