Saturday, August 05, 2006


Today I almost shifted gears

Today I almost shifted gears,
Gripped the hoods, out of the saddle. . . perfect timing
Smooth rhythm, clenched jaw, focused look
Thinking of the pain ahead
Size up the climb and its gradual curves, don’t look back

Downhill, feeling the rush of the cool wind driving the beads of sweat away
Feeling in harmony with the bike, the geometry gone, the intuition to stay
Nothing but feel now, hang on and don’t hesitate

The next climb comes fast, the legs anticipate
But today must be a good day, there is no chain
From cloud to cloud into the sky without the pain
Climbing faster than the legends towards the heavens and away

No need to shift, not in the sky
The habit strong, checking the cog
Let go the hoods, back on the bar

Today I almost shifted gears

Sergio Iniguez

Dedicated to Alex Gonzales
1976- August 8th, 2005