Monday, January 22, 2007

madmexican disease

ahhhhhh, nothing like a monday morning. Today wasn't too bad except for the fact that i was mad all day! i don't get like this too often (twice a year) but when i do don't you dare get in my way. It must be like PMS for men or something of the sort. Just about everything classmates were saying was pushing me on the edge ALL DAY!! Seriously though, on this day I'll rumble with anyone if provoked. Maybe it's some hormonal change; whatever it is I'm glad I didn't blow up on anyone.

Lately, I've been lifting weights on mondays, tuesdays, and fridays (run to gym) and soccer on tuesdays and thursdays. Our team is called "Rinderpest" and we won our first game this last Sunday. Here a pic of team Rinderpest in action.

All my classes seem to be interesting. Pathology II however is so subjective. Dr. Miller sometimes even repeats himself, often asking us where he left off. Our first lecture consisted of a thorough bio of each of his six children. I thought that was nice, but when he repeated his children's bio's for the third time I knew something was wrong. He couldn't remember their names, or what they did for a living. He almost forgot to mention his one and only daughter! I suppose that's what happens when one gets to the twilight years of life. We're learning morphological diagnosis and descriptions of lesions. So lectures consist of looking at various organs and describing what we see. However, (and I'm sure I'm not alone) often Dr. Miller contradicts himself and see's colors we obviously don't see. Anyhow I need to adapt to his m.o. and hope I can pull a passing grade on our upcoming exam. . . . we'll see.

even this little guy was getting on my nerves!

I hope I can get rid of this otherwise I might get in trouble. . . . maybe I should just stay home and rewash these dishes. Boy I must really want to be a veterinarian really bad! GoOdnight.

Monday, January 15, 2007

right about now

Last Fridays topic: GEM's "Genetically Engineered Mice"

I don't know what the deal is but today while reviewing some epidemiology I felt lonely. All I wanted was to be back in Oakdale with my little mocosa (Nicole) and my main squeeze Sharie. It doesn't help that I had a dream that I was tearing it up on the two-stroke on Groom's. I mean the jumps were like 10 times higher and the speed just insane. . . . then I woke up. Now I'm always thinking of my girls and that dog gone throttle...hmmmm. Look I even downloaded some awesome pics of some guys at Laguna Seca in harmonious formation down the "corkscrew". I've come down this in similar formation but instead we were all wearing spandex and going a fraction of the speed.....but just as close though.

I even downloaded this inspirational picture of some cool lookin' stranger hittin' a whoopti the right way!

And of course my little squinkledoodle taking her much need siesta with that baby that never closes its eyes to sleep.

This semester we are being taught Lab Animal Medicine by a heavy hitter research couple that teach at Penn State. Dr. Claire Hankenson is associate director of the lab animal department and also teaches residents and vet students. Her Husband Dr. Kurt Hankenson is a scientist/veterinarian doing cutting edge research in fracture healing, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis. They are a cool couple with a little 2 year old boy and unfortunately are only here for the month long lab animal course. If back in the states I'd totally invite them over for some bruskie and tri-tip! We have some "who's who" professors here on The Rock, but this couple have the "one-two" punch in research period.

I'm hittin' the sack because I gotta get over this sore throat. Prayers for Sharie and little baby please. Little baby wants to come out at 34 weeks, but baby gotta take it down a thousand for a few more weeks atleast. Thanks for reading. Have a great week!

right about now I need this singletrack (sigh)


Monday, January 08, 2007

trails, guns, and motopsychos

Boy that was refreshing! Started off with a visit to folks in SoCal. Mama Reyna once again enjoyed seeing us and Nicole. What is cool is that Nicole remembers all the places and people that we've visited.

What made the trip special was that for the first time we were able to spend some one-on-one time with Papa Juve in Delano. My stepmother and half-sisters were out of the country for the Holidays so my sis and I decided to crash Dads place.

Once back up in NorCal we had a dual family Uyeyama/Dobroff reunion at my father-in-laws place in oakdale. I don't know why but I agreed to be Santa for the kids, but it was worth it to see some of the kids excitement. Overall I think I talked to cousin Ron the most, lets just say we connected at the dirt level. It's amazing how many similarities exist between motocross and mountain biking.

Sharie and I went out on desperately needed and long overdue date: Aragon and mexican food. During the break I spent some time with Dennis and Matt. Dennis and I both like shopping and giving each other a hard time so the day was full of laughs. Matt let me shoot his clay pigeons with his shotgun. I also managed to try out the two stroke after an hour on the four stroke. That two stroke sure does command some respect and delicacy with the throttle. I'm definitely gettin' one of these bad boys once I'm settled.

Mountain biking was cold in SoCal and muddy in Norcal. Jen showed me Forest divide trail in Auburn.....sweet singletrack, a "beginners paradise". Jim, Billy and myself rode the Old Highway 38 trail in Angelus Oaks. I even got to ride in Hilda Crooks with el pelon y apestoso Ben. Good times I tell you......good times. Pete (father-in-law), Matt and I did a dry Mochi pounding run to make sure all was kosher for the Rancheria Annual Mochi pounding. Mochi came out a little stiff but I was nice to spend that kind of time with two great guys.

And of course the highlight was our snow trip up in Strawberry. I thought for sure the four granddaughters were going to be uncooperative and unsure of this thing called snow. To my surprise.. . .. .well a picture is worth a thousand words:

And the trail continues......

This semester: Pathology II, Epidemiology, Public Health, Lab Animal Medicine, Pharmacology I, and Avian medicine. Thanks for reading and Happy New Year!