Tuesday, November 28, 2006

hard drive, hard times

Well, I've been computerless the last few weeks because our hard drive took a dump. So for now I'm reduced to using the LRC's computers to post my blogs. So I guess all the pictures are forever gone according the the computer technician. So for now please look at what I want for christmas.....

Come on Santa! It's only 6 gran!

We'll maybe a graduation present for myself. Anyhow, this is the best mountain bike money can get you, but way too much bike for an unfit vet student. Sharie and Nicole will be flying back to Oakdale this thursday. Everything has been going fine here, a few bumps on my last round of exams but nothing fatal. I'm most nervous about Immunology and Virology because when Dr. Giymah says cummulative he means it! Neuroanatomy, Physiology III, and Pathology should be too bad. I'm looking forward to visiting folks in SoCal and NorCal, especially the cold weather! Tropical climate is nice but only for your 2 weeks of vacation! Well I better go hit the books because finals are just around the corner!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Humble Birthday

sometimes I eat lunch here

Vet school has certainly surprised me. At first I thought it would be challenging and that's it, but humbling? I didn't see that one coming, as a matter of fact I experience that about every other day. Some classmates have experienced it more than others and it's not limited to academics.
For starters just coming to a foreign country where you are the minority is nice appetizer. We all share the same story of how we applied to the state side schools and didn't get accepted for this reason or that one. Trying not to wander off while hearing the sad story you've heard time and time again. However, after fightin' it in the trenches we grow closer and take it personally when one of us takes a hit. Word travels fast on the island, about how so and so failed 3 out of 5 exams or how so and so just packed their bags and left the island. We're committed now, we've jumped off the ledge so to speak. We're all in it together and we want every one to make it to the end. I relate the most to other students that have there family here on the island. When one of em' takes a hit I get down on my knees to pray for them, it's that tough.
The other day I had some time to calculate the educational debt we're incurring. I calculated that each student pays $60 per lecture for the 3.4 years of education. At the end of our education my class of 65 (assuming we all make it) will have a combined debt of 13 million big bones. But I'll tell you what we have the best instructors money can buy and of course throw in a dud here and there. Overall, I've had the best instructors here on the island. . . . brilliant, energetic, animated, excited, and passionate about their respective subjects.
It was Nicoles (chochita) birthday last weekend so we took her to the Marriot pool for the afternoon. We decided to trespass once again and play around in the pool, just a momentary delusion that we might just be back in the states. Nicole enjoyed splashing in the pool and eating ice cream and fries. . . I miss being a kid!

I'm two yrs old. . . . WOW! (look at those fries)

I can say that I'm truly proud to be in vet school, running with the best. I'm not the fastest, I'm not the slowest, somewhere in the middle. Sometimes I even fall on my face, but it's nothing I can't shake off. Sometimes the dirt in my teeth drives me that much more to try harder the next time around! Long live the Running Rossies!! Goodnight.