Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Oklahoma State

backyard at Leeward

grampa working on dinner!

That's right! Stillwater, OK to be exact. My first official day isn't until May 19th, 2008 so that means we have exactly a month to transition from the rock to Oklahoma. If heard nothing but great things about OSU: they were the first ones to break the mold and invite foreign graduates for clinicals and they love Rossies. So it sounds like I have a reputation to maintain at OSU. I had them down as my 3rd choice, Colorado was my "longshot" but I put it down anyways and Missouri my 2nd. I'm so excited about going to OSU especially for their large animal/food animal rotation.

This semester we are taking Large Animal Medicine II (LAM II), Large Animal Surgery (LAS), Theriogenology, and Practice, Management & Jurisprudence (PMJ), and Introduction to Clinics II. Intro to clinics has us go through various rotations (emergency, clinic, surgery, ambulatory, etc) as an appetizer for clinicals stateside.

So far I'm enjoying all the classes, especially Dr. Wallace's LAM II. Here were learning everything and anything about all cattle, sheep, and goat breeds.

Grammy and Grampa were over for a week. Grampa enjoyed golfing nearly everyday! Grammy was content chasing the little ones around.

dinner has been served!