Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Numero Dos

I must be going over thorns or glass because I've gotten like two flats in one week! I thought I was going home until I saw my front tire. So I radioed "team support" and the director sportiff said I'd have to wait till' Nicole woke up. So I went back to the library and cracked open a few veterinary journals. Amongst my classmates I'm known for always going to the professor after class and asking questions, or reading professional journals from the library. I enjoy reading DVM magazine probably because it's the same size and is bound just like Velonews "the journal of competitive cyclists"....atleast it has the same feel as I turn the pages. I cracked open JAMA (journal of american medical association) and found out a few things:

Topic: Daily Activity Energy Expenditure and Mortality Among Older Adults

In a nutshell: increase energy expenditure during daily activities = decrease mortality

Topic: Women's Susceptibility to Tobacco Carcinogens and Survival After Diagnosis of Lung Cancer.

In a nutshell: women are more susceptible to tobacco carcinogens but yet have a lower rate of fatal outcome (good marketing for Philip Morris?).

Topic: Adult Weight change and Risk of Post-Menopausal Breast Cancer

In a nutshell: increase weight after menopause = increase risk of breast cancer (doesn't smoking curb appetite and therefore reduce weight? hmmmmmm.)

I do lots of journal reading inbetween study breaks, but believe me if there was a Velonews within a 30 mile radius I'd read it!
Moral of the Story/Research: If your a woman, run to the store and buya a pack of Marlboro's, nah just kiddin' it's NOT that black & white!

Oh, today I was elected "treasurer" of the AAEP (American Association of Equine Practitioners Student chapter here at Ross University!

Sharie doesn't feel comfortable driving our Nissan Sunny, and I don't blame her because it sure does make alot of weird noises! So now we must hunt for another "Ross" mobile. I'm personally tired of dealing with flats everyother day with the car. Up until a month ago I was using my floor pump to inflate the car tires every other day!
Classes performance is starting to come around now that I've figured how to study for Bacteriology and Parasitology with 3 weeks to go! I'm making up ground though and that's what counts. . . is it 7th semester yet?
See Niki even knew Floyd would win the Tour de France

Look at our "Number Dos"

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I figure I should look at this challenge through the eyes of the cyclists that I am. On the way to school atop my Eddy Merck AL dodging cow pies and goat pellets it dawned on me how I can make a Tour out of this. At 3.0 miles round trip M-F makes for 15 miles per week and 240 miles per stage/semester,and a total of 1,680 miles! Oh, 7 stages total (on the island) 3 in the states (different race though). So far I'm glad to report that I haven't DNF'd (Did Not Finish), and only two flats so far too.

Stage 2 is supposed to be easier from what I hear but it hasn't been for me. I'm actually looking forward to stage 3 which is supposidly difficult because of Mt. Reich (Dr. Reich). Apparently Dr. Reich is a Hor category climb (most difficult) and will shatter the field. However, stage 1 proved that Mt. Reich and I jive just fine. I'm banking that my previous exposure to arterial blood gases as an RT will come handy as the bulk of Reich will cover this topic in great detail.
Until then I can only dream about this sweet single track in Colorado, Thee 401 trail....somedat we shall meet.
See most of you in August after stage 2! Hopefully I can catch a few rides while I'm in California.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Striking Idea

Last week we had a visiting professor lecture on Business Management and Transitioning From Veterinary Student To Veterinarian. Alot is involved, especially if one plans on owning a veterinary clinic. Dr. Wilson a veterinarian and lawyer decided after a lengthy and respectable career to venture into the world of consulting. This professor opened my eyes to the entrepenurial possibilities of being a business owner. I'm excited now and can't wait to get started on the wonderful world of veterinary small business.

Before I would daydream about what my lap pool would look like in my custom home, perhaps a reflection of our yearning to settle down and start some roots. Now instead, I realize that taking care of the customer, patient, business and it's employees will provide all that we need and more, so a lap pool at the clinic first! Don't get me wrong I'm not hung up on materialism and making money, but I do believe in paying off such an enormous loan. After some additional daydreaming I was lead to my final vision (albeit ambitious): a veterinary clinic/bicycle shop/coffee shop!
window repair Ross student style
On a different note last night I should've worn a diaper because I have never in my life experienced mother nature in her full electric glory. The thunder I tell you was like having a hundred bull whips at your ear and a million camera flashes in your face! Windows reverberated, thunder roared, rumbled, and cracked ala shock and awe. I'll admit it I even hesitated to look at it creeping ever so carefully towards the window! In the end I only got one hour of sleep followed by an anatomy exam :( For those of you that are Meatrix crazy check out part II at: www.themeatrix2.com

taking easy with the Bory's and Jeanine at Turtle beach

Monday, July 03, 2006

The Meatrix

Today I'm cherising the last of my "mid-semester" break, so far I've done nothing. Actually I've been watching the tour on the spanish version of ESPN. I didn't want to drag cycling into my blog but "operacion puerto" was the last straw for me. When Tyler Hamiltons name appeared on that list I pretty much decided everyone in cycling is doping. Actually except for pros that appear to be struggling with their cycling career or the lantern rouge. It must be the norm to junk otherwise you get left behind and contracts aren't renewed. I love cycling too much to just walk away though, as a matter of fact I can't wait to get back to the states to toe the line. I've even been border line obsessive with looking at dream homes at www.dupontregistry.com, specifically in Austin.

It's Moopheus!

You gotta watch this video: www.themeatrix.com. I thought it was just a joke but It looks like they are actually serious. Well I better get back into vet student mode as my break is almost over!