Monday, January 22, 2007

madmexican disease

ahhhhhh, nothing like a monday morning. Today wasn't too bad except for the fact that i was mad all day! i don't get like this too often (twice a year) but when i do don't you dare get in my way. It must be like PMS for men or something of the sort. Just about everything classmates were saying was pushing me on the edge ALL DAY!! Seriously though, on this day I'll rumble with anyone if provoked. Maybe it's some hormonal change; whatever it is I'm glad I didn't blow up on anyone.

Lately, I've been lifting weights on mondays, tuesdays, and fridays (run to gym) and soccer on tuesdays and thursdays. Our team is called "Rinderpest" and we won our first game this last Sunday. Here a pic of team Rinderpest in action.

All my classes seem to be interesting. Pathology II however is so subjective. Dr. Miller sometimes even repeats himself, often asking us where he left off. Our first lecture consisted of a thorough bio of each of his six children. I thought that was nice, but when he repeated his children's bio's for the third time I knew something was wrong. He couldn't remember their names, or what they did for a living. He almost forgot to mention his one and only daughter! I suppose that's what happens when one gets to the twilight years of life. We're learning morphological diagnosis and descriptions of lesions. So lectures consist of looking at various organs and describing what we see. However, (and I'm sure I'm not alone) often Dr. Miller contradicts himself and see's colors we obviously don't see. Anyhow I need to adapt to his m.o. and hope I can pull a passing grade on our upcoming exam. . . . we'll see.

even this little guy was getting on my nerves!

I hope I can get rid of this otherwise I might get in trouble. . . . maybe I should just stay home and rewash these dishes. Boy I must really want to be a veterinarian really bad! GoOdnight.