Tuesday, November 08, 2005

We are family

This last weekend was Nicole's 1st birthday. We had a small gathering at Grandpa's pad with some killer grub of course. It's hard to believe that some people actually believe that God does not exist. For me it's simple. All I have to do is watch my little enchilada grow up. Or go on a ride early in the morning, feel the chill, hear nothing, and stop to see the sun creep over the Sierra's. How can it be a mere coincidence? Impossible! The day after Nicole's birthday we went to Knight's Ferry where I proposed to my wife to see the salmon run. Just this in and of itself is amazing how a fish is born in fresh water, adapts to salt water, and then returns to its fresh water home to die. I saw a bumper sticker the other day and it said something like this: "I believe in the Big Bang Theory: God said "Bang!" and the universe was created."
