Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Thanks Honkey

Boy I can't wait to start doing all the surgical procedures, tests, trouble shooting, med administrations, and actually seeing a live animal. Well that's not true we did start doing palpations on the horses in the barn. . . . it's definitely a teaser.

can't wait till it's my turn to park here

But time is all relative, we average about 72 years of life while the mange mite (Chorioptes bovis) only lives 4-6 weeks! So we just need to go one day at a time and enjoy the ride while it last!

Thanks for lettin' us learn honkey!

Every see often I stop to reflect and appreciate the life that is sacrificed in the name of education. I would rather learn on honkey than a clients prized pet that's for sure. I also recall what my animal physiology professor at CSUSB told us before our first dissection: that as humans we tend to be more critical of animal dissections as the organism gets larger and don't seem to care as it gets smaller, for example: goldfish vs elephant. All I know is that I appreciate all of them small and large. . . well maybe not the parasites!

last semester saw only 2 or 3 bikes. . . look at it now!

These last few days I've been thinking about way, way down the road. Every so often I try to figure out which branch of vet medicine I will go or be lead to. I have a feeling I'll be the 1/1000 vet that goes into some off-shoot specialty like poultry plastic surgery or public health (ouch).