Monday, October 09, 2006


"say hi"

So far I'm doing better this semester. Immunology was better than expected, Neuro as well. However, my love, my passion. . . Physio I underperformed! If I underperform in like Pathology or something or other I'll just shake it off. However, with physio I take it personally because I own it, I love it, and I expect more from myself. I know I know more than my low B reflected but I must also remind myself that Reich averaged 69% on his last semesters Renal exam.
What is cool about having Reich and Hutchison as professors is the way they impart wisdom. For example for Reich he goes full throttle from the start, as a matter of fact I don't write notes anymore. . . just hang on and listen! Hutch tells it how it is and doesn't dwell on theories, or lists. . . .just the facts, what you'll actually need when you get to clinics. Speaking of Hutchison has what he calls "demigod" moments. Demigod is a being that has a god parent and a mortal human parent, so naturally this being is superhuman. So Hutch and Reich prepare us so when we join or "elite" U.S. counerparts for semesters 8-10 during clinics. They kid around how some schools (Cornell) believe they are holy and expect to be treated as such. As a matter of fact some schools are too pure to affiliate themselves with us "second" rate students (Davis, Tufts).
So Hutch suddenly goes off on a tangent with a "demigod" moment and says: O.K., so what are you going to do when your doing rounds as a student and the clinician says "how do you know this dog is suffering from trochlear nerve paralysis?". So Hutch continues: "your going to take the opthalmoscope and the residents and clinician will be wondering what the hell your doing", but you little Rossie will know that the only way to determine if this is indeed trigeminal nerve paralysis is to look at the internal vasculature of the eye!" So there you have it a demigod moment:)

Sharie is alot better now that she is keeping herself busy teaching K-8 music classes. Nicole is a big girl now because she can not only sit down and behave herself while mommy teaches but is a big sister. . . . .it's a GIRL! We've been thinking of some names, I personally like "Indie".

During one of my vending machine study breaks I was being nosy and looked into Dr. Kainer's office. I was amazed to see he had nothing to indicate it belonged to him. Maybe once one gets to that age diplomas, awards, personal interests, or mementos mean nothing. So I got to thinking about life and all it's uncertainties, how we live forgetting that we are all on borrowed time. I know that if I knew I had only a few days to live I'd live life alot differently.
Living on the island has it's share of difficulties. For example these little pesky sugar ants that smell my cereal from the other side of the island. Tonight I devised a solution for Sharie's dillema: Where can she put the freshly baked goods' for tommorows bake sale without the sugar ants devouring the cookies? Last time I checked sugar ants don't swim, so we placed the cookie sheet on top of a mini lake of water! I guess we'll see in the morning.
We'll I'm hittin' the sack because I still have Pathology and Virology exams this week. Thanks for reading!