Monday, October 02, 2006

Real Doctor

It wasn't until last semester that I heard about this real doctor thing and veterinary medicine. I never recall hearing about it during my near decade in human medicine. Often I'd overhear someone joking around about dentist and how that was the route for those not admitted to med school. Or I'd hear about physical therapists with doctrates and how no one really cared. At the end of the day the boss had M.D. after his name and that was the last word. . . well maybe the HMO's? I've heard of people dog on chiropracters, podiatrists, or history PhD's who park in hospital "doctors only" spots. The fact of the matter is that the history professor parking in M.D.'s parking spot has more of a right to park their than does M.D..

What I found out was that in England (a loooong time ago) medical school graduates where given "honorary" doctrate degrees. This basically was implemented by prestigous schools like Cambridge, and Oxford (operated by PhD's by the way)because patients referred to them as such. So as history has it now it's a birth right for everyone to be called a doctor. As a matter of fact the meaning of doctor is "he who teaches". In England veterinarians are just that "veterinarians" not "doctors". So now I ask do I care? No, and as a matter of fact "Dr. Iniguez" doesn't even have the right ring to it. For me a doctor will always be that person that you always refer to for professional enlightment. . . . the last word. The Dr. Reichs, Dr. Bergs, Dr. Hutchisons are in my opinion the final word in their respective fields. So I devised a portrait that summarizes a veterinarian (left) from a "real doctor" on right.

It's all good as long as I have the bike and no HMO's!

So I've been thinking about starting a running club lately. It's easier than starting a triathlon club because all you need is a pair of shoes and the will to run. I think I'll even copy the Loma Linda Lopers club colors. . . Pink! Currently we are looking for a school mascot. I'm all for a turtle since we are on an island with a healthy population of sea turtles. Someone submitted a mustang? Uhhh, sorry Dorothy but were not in Kansas anymore!

Tomorrow is my first exam of the semester: Immunology, then Physiology III on Friday. Tourist season will be in full swing in about 2 weeks or so. The last few months have been uncomfortably hot, so we're looking forward to some cold weather during December break. Good quality beef is non-existant here so thanks to Matt and Cherie we had some teriyaki marinated tri-tip last night! All we thought about was Matt and Cherie. . . ...thanks a chazillion!

We'll I better get back to the immuno notes, especially if I want to become a wanna be real doctor someday!