Tuesday, October 31, 2006

halfway point

old sugar can mill with caribbean sea

Can you believe we've just hit the 1/2 way point with semester three! Wow, it sure has flown by! Third semester has the task of walking the anesthesia dogs twice a day. So we split up into groups of 5 and choose a week to do our dog walking. I tell you adding 2 hours of walking per day on top of everything else had me running on fumes! My first dog walk I was matching Truffles (the fastest/most hyper) every stride of our run/walks. On my last day even Sydney (slowest dog) was pulling me along like some sack of potatoes. I lost alot of study time so this weekend was all about catching up. I have round #2 of exams coming up next week, and although I fared alright I can't let my guard down.
During one of my breaks I decided to take the wifee and little squinkles to the Marriot pool. I've heard of students getting kicked out so I was hesitant. Sharie lead the way and I acted as the bell boy. Sharie and Chochita had a great time and we didn't even get kicked out (maybe b/c it's off season?). The funny thing is that I noticed alot of Rossies while at the Marriot, so I guess we're a permanent fixture. . . for now.
AVMA came and went and the Dean filled us in on the skinny. Of course I was dog walking but I heard that we need to 1) work on the research area 2) install a large animal isolation ward and I believe those were the biggies. The research deal is gonna take a while, but hopefully AVMA will accredit R.U. before my time is up.
I'm gonna explore the sugarcane road a bit further. Today I consulted Dr. Reich about the trails and he's gonna mark a section of a trail for me....hopefully I won't get lost or abducted by some canabalistic tribe....eekkkk! Alright I'm gonna see if I can squeeze a little more material in my noggin, then it's to bed!