Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Fourth of Schuuly

This next week will be a hectic week. It's sort of like the Fourth of July fireworks grand finale...everyone's going "uhhh, ahhhh", then "wooooahh". Exams will cometh one after the other non-stop until right before finals week. We have so much doggie information that I resort to doing silly things like rapping to Sharie's beat on the keyboard:

Sergio: "Yo, this is the RBC, Yeah you know me!
I hang in the blood and live on energy
glucose please, no ketones for me!"

Sharie: rolling her eyes

Hey whatever works! I'm just glad we brought that keyboard. But don't worry I'll stick to vet school then maybe I'll be a rapper after that.

Hey! This is a milestone in the Iniguez family (drum roll please): my mother emailed me for the first time ever!!! You have to understand my mama doesn't even like using the ATM! Even though itlookedlikethis I had a fun time dechipering her message. We'll have to go over the space bar next time.

My mama at my first triatlon in Palm desert, 2004

Thanks to my mother-in-law we have enough toilet paper to last us for the next two years on the rock! What can I say I had to take a break from studying!

We'll of to my Physio exam this morning. I hope putting Nicole to sleep with the sweet sounds of gluconeogenesis helped.....let the fireworks begin!

Golf course at Frigate Bay (has both an Atlantic and a Caribbean side)