Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Human mode

I often have to remember that I'm dealing with animals and not humans. It's hard to shake off ten years of human care. But that's exactly what I don't want to do because it's valuable experience that I got that last decade. You see as humans we often get ourselves into health problems by making poor decisions (diet, habits, stress). Animals on the other hand are more often victims of nature's anomalies, or poor human care....just plain bad luck. In lecture I find myself trying to troubleshoot my professor's question from a human perspective and that doesn't work half the time. Doggonit, I knew someone was going to try to prove me wrong!!

Well booger is a famous cat. Dr Smith has us send him pics of our pets and as you can see below booger made it on the front page of todays lecture.

Other famous pets includes Jerry who has been here at Ross for ages.

And some 7th semester students getting ready to snip snip the donkeys

here's Jerry in real life

Well I better get ready for school! Have a great day!