Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Queen

Here from Camps Bayview we can sometimes (if I stretch the neck a little) see cruise ships in the port from our porch. Yesterday I didn't have to do any stretching, so that caught my curiosity. On it's way out it cruised past Camps so I decided to go investigate this beast of a ship. Sure enough it was the Queen Mary, so I snapped a few pictures of her in all her splendid royal majesty.

I just hope the queen doesn't get any ideas while I'm relaxing at Shiggidy's. That image will burn my rods and cones and I only have one layer! Yeah, that's right I'm studying the eye, ear, head, and cranial nerves right now. My first final exam today in anatomy lab so wish me luck. Gotta know every thing from the whiskers/vibrissae to the fill-in the blank/anus. I'd show you a picture of Stag (lab dog) but the poor guy would be unrecognizable. He looks like a roadside carcass by now. Some of my anatomy drawings I hope I will remember. I had to draw out the root system because the "dental formulae" doesn't work for me: I 3/3 C1/1 PM 4/4 M 2/3 = 42