Sunday, April 23, 2006

Round Two

checkin' out the trails around here
What a relief to know that I'm continuing on to second semester. I was telling Sharie that I had to mentally accept the idea that perhaps I could potentially repeat second semester. This goes for about 60 of the 65 students. Of course except for those five that could afford to fail their finals completely, for the rest of us it's fair game. This next semester I will be taking Physio II, Bacteriology, Parasitology, and Anatomy II. Apparently second is a cake walk compared to first, third, and sixth but I'm not taking my chances.
Sharie has been itching to buy a plane ticket feeling the loneliness from Grammy and most Rossies leaving at the same time. I'm used to the feeling since way back at P.U.C.. For those familiar with P.U.C. you know that everyone evacuates pronto and next thing you know it's a ghost town. Back then I had alot of time to think about life as I do now. However, I sure wish I had a mtn bike back then because P.U.C. has some sweet trails.
Alright time to relax...atleast for the next two weeks.