Saturday, April 22, 2006

Waiting game

Now that finals are said and done it's all about waiting to see what our fate will be. Some professors put more weight on the final, so even if your going in with say a 90% overall one can still end up buying a one-way ticket home. It's interesting to know that even some of my classmates that have stellar grades sweat it till the very last second. So at 1300 our time final grades will be posted until then I will be trying to keep my mind off it. Some students who have repeated the semester are on their last chance so alot is at stake for them. What stinks is that out of the 5 classes we are taking nutrition (theoretically the easiest) is proving to be the gatekeeper. The problem with this class is that we have a gazillian instructors teaching it which makes me feel like I'm shifting gears at every few feet.
Chump waitin' for something just not sure what?
Actually he's waiting for 30 days confinement to be up. Here they have a confinement rule for all imported animals to make sure they don't have contagious diseases. Funny thing is that all the sugarcane mutts run around town looking downright filthy and contagious. So maybe this is more a protective measure for chump.
We came across this business last week when we drove around the island. How would you like to work here? Overhaul an engine in the morning, wipe of the oil grime, then teach aerobics in the afternoon?

Have a great weekend!