Tuesday, February 20, 2007


She's finally here!!! Little Indee graced us with her arrival on Friday, February 16th. Sharie called me around 1 pm my time and said she was on her way to the hospital. I thought for sure she'll be there till Saturday or Sunday. Thirty minutes later I got a call while in the canned food isle: "I'm 6 cm and having frequent contraction". EEEEKKKK, gotta go home so I can sit down and focus on welcoming Indee. Get in the check out and zip on home, but no luck I had to pull over half way home to hear the great news! It happened soooo FAST!

I've posted a short video clip that Dennis sent me, hopefully it will work so check it out!

Last weekend was action packed: As an AAEP student officer I was helping organize details in preparation of our visiting lecturer Dr. Trotter. From planning out dinner details to taking care of accomodation and airfare expenses. Dr. Trotter is a well respected Equine surgeon with 2o years experience at Colorado State University. Recently he moved to TX and is now venturing into an area hardly explored by veterinarians: acupuncture and chiropractic work. The cool thing is that we had a large turnout and even a handful of professors showed up. What's funny is that Dr. Trotter is semi-retired now and Dr. Horowitz (his anatomy professor as well as mine) is STILL teaching! Dr. Trotter however went to school in Canada where Dr. Horowitz taught before. I enjoyed talking to Dr. Trotters wife Judy, she's was cool.

Dr. Trotter, his wife Judy and of course me.

The Dean even had something to say about AAEP officers:
I wanted to let each of you know that Dr Trotter and Judy where very impressed by each of you. They said you where the greatest bunch of students they had ever interacted with. Your hospitality was the best they had seen and they appreciated it. The water, snacks and drinks on arrival was fantastic ( I guess I better start doing that too when I pick people up at airport late at night) Thank you for representing RUSVM and yourselves so well.

Dave DeYoung
Good news is I rocked on Avian Medicine exam, Epidemiology, and Veterinary Public Health!!! Now if I can keep it going for Thursdays notoriously tough Pharmacology class! Then on Monday I get a go at Pathology exam #2, then two days later Cali here I come!!!

Lyle and Paul working the grill this weekend